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* - stainless steel, MBD


This stainless steel stepped stud can repair all the chaincase side M6 threads that usually pull out. 


Most people don't have a Heicoil or Timesert kit as they are expensive, this is a cheaper repair. 


All you need is a drill, 6.5 or 7mm drill bit and a 8 x 1.25mm tap which most have or can borrow. 


Drill out the hole, tap down to slightly shorter than the measurement of the 8mm end and screw in the stud by locking two 6mm nuts together, tap it a bit at a time so when its home tight the flat edge is flush with the gasket face.


On final fitting use loctite, a cheap quality method of repairing old threads. 


We used 8mm in the casing as 7mm taps are not commonplace and this can also repair some already badly repaired threads. 


Product code: LUMBP0302

Lambretta stud - stepped repair 8mm to 6mm - 17x10x11mm, crankcase side *

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