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Top quality, made by Scootopia. This Lambretta series 1 & early 2 body rubber set comprises of - grips, legshield rubbers, horncast rubber set, brake pedal rubber, bridge rubbers, cable tube, air scoop rubber, both tail lamp rubbers in white & side panel rubbers.


Sticky's Spanner's Manual says - "A good way to check for frame and body alignment is to do a dry run of all the major body components (side panels, legshields, running boards, horncasting, mudguard and headset) before painting. This way you can see if the floor struts or running board support arms are straight and carry out any adjustments without damagine your paint".


Price includes VAT @ 20% 

Lambretta Rubber kit - EARLY series 2 and series 1 - Grey

Sales Tax Included
Only 2 left in stock

    Lambretta upgrades Ltd.
    Company number 08307000                    VAT No: GB303939503


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